Natural Proteins is your supplier of individually manufactured and selected ingredients for the Pet Food, Animal Feed, Aqua Feed, Organic Fertilizer, Oleochem and Biofuel Industry. We provide high-quality animal and vegetable proteins, oils and fats that meet all specific product and legal requirements you need. This is possible thanks to state-of-the-art rendering and blending facilities and a continuously increasing supplier network. We invite you to take a look at our portfolio and are looking forward to help you getting the best result out of your final product.
We know the high impact of raw material and processing on the final feeding result. Therefore, we exclusively source fresh and high-quality raw material and care for the best standards from start to end.
Use our professional and big storing capacities to manage your material inflow better. This service is especially appreciated by customers with an own just-in-time production.
Forget the paperwork and focus on your core business. We take care about complying to all requirements and make your goods arrive just when you need them to.
Save time, money and space and let us individually blend your premixes. We deliver in the packaging you need and promise continuous quality.
No matter if it is warehousing or logistics: Our team strives for excellence in everything we do. To support our growth, we are looking for people that see best results as the minimum objective and continuous improvement as the only way to get there.